New Look for the Website

Former Governors Dennis Daugaard and Frank Farrar at the 2019 Trail of Governors unveiling ceremony.

Former Governors Dennis Daugaard and Frank Farrar at the 2019 Trail of Governors unveiling ceremony.

Been promising to renovate this site for some time and have finally done it — more or less. It has a new look and I intend to keep it a little more relevant. Not least because I have to relearn how to use the software every time I come back to it after several months of neglect.

I thought it might be nice to have more of a sampler of my work than trying to catalog everything I’ve done over the years. The gallery now is a more or less series of detail shots. I may, in the future, link those shots to more extensive photos of the entire work but that will be down the road.

In this space I plan to tell the stories of what I am working on, or installing, or stuff from way back when. I will try to stick to sculpture related news, and stay out of the kind of trouble I might get into discussing current events.

If you have followed me this far, thanks very much. Let me know what you think about the changes if you like and please feel free to ask any questions.


Jim Maher